Let Us Assist Your Authorship Journey

Publish With Authorpedia

Authorpedia’s Author-Assisted Publishing (AAP) service is the right choice for any author who wants high-quality publishing services delivered to personal taste and budget. Our publishing service takes care of both the literary (quality of writing) and physical (quality of publishing) needs of your book. We promise you a rewarding publishing experience as you start this project with us. Our AAP services comes in three options — Chapbook, e-Book and Paperback:

Chapbook Publishing​

Chapbooks are small publications that have a maximum of forty (40) pages. We accept poetry, prose, drama, photographs or a combination of any of these creative forms, for our chapbook publishing service. Authorpedia accepts previously published works collected together. We host the chapbook on our website for DOWNLOAD.

e-Book Publishing

An eBook is an ‘electronic book’ published in non-editable digital form and accessible through computers or hand-held devices with flat-panel display. EBooks submitted to Authorpedia can consist of written text, images or a combination of both. Our eBooks pass through all paperback publishing processes except for printing.

Paperback Publishing​

We offer paperback print publishing, delivered in the cream and white paper varieties. This means that our cover are printed on 300gms laminated art paper flexible, compact and easily transportable while the inner pages are printed on 80gsm cream or white bond paper. Different paper types are available by demand.

Tips For Authors


A book’s number of pages is a major factor determining publishing cost. Every additional page potentially increases cost. Author’s seeking paperback publishing should be conscious of this is preparing their manuscripts. For chapbooks, the maximum number of pages permitted is 40 (forty) only.


We provide free proofreading and layout services for all books submitted for publication. However, this only applies to manuscripts previously edited. Raw first drafts will be billed for editing before publishing fees are charged.

coloured pages

Books with coloured graphics and images in the inner pages cost more to produce. Authors should either put all images together in a section or consider black-and-white images if they have to use them but have cost concerns. This affects only paperback publishing.