Small Step, Big Impact
WRR Chapbook Series
Hello young writer, you are invited to submit your manuscript for our CHAPBOOK SERIES (CBS). We want writings from emerging and established writers that – in short stories, poems or essays – x-ray society, testing its lies and truths. We want writings that question traditional social narratives, explore ‘forbidden’ themes like gender and sexuality, ponder the human condition, and generally tell us more about who we are as humans from unique viewpoints.
- POETRY MANUSCRIPT LENGTH: can contain between 25-35 poems depending on their lengths. Manuscript must not exceed 40 pages, exclusive of preliminary and biography pages. Formatting: Times New Roman Font | 12 Point Size | Single Line Spacing.
- PROSE MANUSCRIPT LENGTH: This refers to short stories and essays. There is no limit to the number of short stories or essays, but they must not exceed 35 pages inclusive of preliminary pages and biography page. Formatting: Times New Roman Font | 12 Point Size | 1.5 Lines Spacing.
- QUALITY OF WRITING: Edit your manuscript (at least first level editing) before submitting it for the CBS. We will reject raw manuscripts or bill them for editing at a minimum rate of N4 per word.
- TERMINATION: Terminating the CBS publishing process after commencement will lead to a forfeiture of part of the deposit.
- DELETION OF PUBLISHED CHAPBOOKS: Authors can withdraw their chapbooks after publication at any time. However, such requests must be formal. There will be no fee charged.
- PAYMENT: We permit only a maximum of two installments in 70:30 ratio. One-time full payment is encouraged.
Send submissions to PUBLISHING@AUTHORPEDIA.NET with the manuscript attached as a Microsoft Word document. The subject of the email should be ‘CBS & AUTHOR NAME)’. Include your telephone number and biography in the email.
The following opportunities are available for authors who publish their chapbooks in the Chapbook Series:
- The 10 best manuscripts published under this series will be shortlisted for the Green Author Prize, which comes with a free print publishing package and a certificate of award. To qualify for the prize, an author must be 24 years old or younger at the time of submitting the chapbook.
- We will select an unspecified number of manuscripts for FREE publishing under the CBS every year. An author must 24 years old or younger at the time of submission to qualify for this offer.
Please visit our Publishing Packages Page to see available Chapbook Publishing options. You can also Email Us for more information.