Title: City of Memories Author: Richard Ali Publisher: Origami (Parrésia Publishers) Books, 2012 BLURB:
City of Memories follows four characters negotiating the effect of various traumas. Towering above them is the story of Ummi al-Qassim, a princess of Bolewa, and the feud that attended her love—first for a nobleman, then for a poet—a feud that bequeaths her with madness and death. All four are bracketed by the modern city of Jos in Central Nigeria, where political supremacy and perverse parental love become motives for an ethno-religious eruption calculated to destroy the Nigeria State…Buy ‘CITY OF MEMORIES’ Call: +2348062392145 Or click here to order on Amazon Blog: Richard Ali Jos Twitter: @richardalijos Facebook: www.facebook.com/richardalijos Phone: +2348062392145 E-mail: richardalijos@gmail.com]]>A thwarted love affair forces Faruk to flee to the Northeastern village of Bolewa, from where his parents emigrated three decades earier. There, he unearths his mother’s tragic story and discovers the key that just might keep his country one—if he can make it back to Central Nigeria alive.