
Title: VOWELS IN THE AIR Author: EMMANUEL FRANK-OPIGO Genre: Mixed Pages: 210 Publisher: Words Rhymes & Rhythm Publishers Year of Publication: 2016 ISBN: 978-978-954-243-7 Awards: nil BLURB:

Not many persons are aware that former United States President Jimmy Carter is a poet, and a fine one too.  Having stumbled on his collection Always A Reckoning at the Carter Centre in Atlanta, Georgia, the author has been besotted with his mild, flowing poetry.  Where best then to search for the title of this book than from that stable. On Using Words, the source poem, consists of only nine short lines and yet is so full of magnificent phrases.  This book of essays and speeches is about using words to effect, and the poem captures the essence so vividly and – in spite of other competing phrases – Vowels In The Air was just spot on. The motley of subjects in this book range from
  • the literary to the socio-political (Why Are We Really Here?)
  • science to engineering (y = mx + c)
  • games to gobbledygook (The Child Room Pawns)
  • coconuts to crude oil (These Royal Thrown-Off Kings)
and the quest for “efficient words” also resulted in a section voiced in poetry.  The reader is invited to come into this “restaurant” and pick and choose what interests him or her in the buffet.  In spite of our best efforts at communication, says Jimmy Carter, “the vagueness is still there.”
To Purchase ‘Vowels in the Air’: Author Contact Information: Facebook: Emmanuel Frank-Opigo Email: emmaopigo@gmail.com [gallery type="slideshow" size="large" ids="3733,3732" orderby="rand"]]]>

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